The official journal of the Genomic Medicine Alliance is Public Health Genomics, published by Karger AG (Basel, Switzerland)
Public Health Genomics is the leading international journal focusing on the timely translation of genome-based knowledge and technologies into public health, health policies, and healthcare as a whole. This peer-reviewed journal is a bimonthly forum featuring original papers, reviews, short communications, and policy statements. It is supplemented by topic-specific issues providing a comprehensive, holistic and 'all-inclusive' picture of the chosen subject. Multidisciplinary in scope, it combines theoretical and empirical work from a range of disciplines, notably public health, molecular and medical sciences, the humanities and social sciences. In so doing, it also takes into account rapid scientific advances from fields such as systems biology, microbiomics, epigenomics or information and communication technologies as well as the hight potential of 'big data' for public health.
With an Impact Factor of 1.518 (2019), and also indexed in Scopus with a CiteScore 3.300 (2019), Public Health Genomics is one of the leading international journals in the field of Public Health Genomics and provides an ideal publication forum to members of the Genomic Medicine Alliance. Also, members of the Genomic Medicine Alliance are entitled to significant benefits and discounts not only to the journal's subscription and open access fees but also to Karger's books, such as:
- Reduced annual subscription fees (149 CHF for online and 190 CHF for printed and online)
- 10% discount on the Open Access Fee (Karger’s Author’s choice service)
- 30% discount off the full price of Karger’s books